Is my vaginal discharge normal?
Normal discharge is typically clear or white. Although a certain amount of vaginal odor is to be expected, discharge shouldn’t have a strong odor.
On the other hand, when discharge is abnormal, it may have a different:
• Color
• Amount
• Consistency
• Odor
If you’ve noticed an odor, Dr. Bhanot advises against attempting to mask it with douches, sprays, or deodorants. Using these products may make your condition worse.
What are vaginal infections?
A good form of bacteria is naturally present in your vagina. These bacteria produce a helpful substance that keeps your vagina slightly acidic to safeguard it from harmful, disease-causing microorganisms.
However, sometimes an overgrowth of bacteria or yeast disrupts this natural balance, leading to a vaginal infection. Two of the most common vaginal infections are yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis.
What causes yeast infections?
An overgrowth of yeast leads to a yeast infection. Using spermicides or lubricants or taking antibiotics, which destroy the “good” vaginal bacteria, may cause a yeast infection. Pregnancy may also result in a yeast infection.
If you have a yeast infection, you’ll generally experience burning and itching in your vulva, the outer part of your genitals. Contact Preete Bhanot MD if you’re experiencing these symptoms.
What causes bacterial vaginosis?
Bacterial vaginosis, a common infection, results from an overgrowth of the bacteria that usually live in your vagina. The main sign of this infection is a more significant amount of discharge with a strong odor that’s typically described as “fishy.”
How do I know which vaginal infection I have?
Dr. Bhanot is a board-certified gynecologists who can expertly diagnose your infection. She recommends a pelvic exam to look inside your vagina for inflammation and to collect a sample of discharge for lab testing. A lab test confirms the type of vaginal infection you have.
How are vaginal infections treated?
Dr. Bhanot recommends the appropriate treatment based on your type of vaginal infection. Yeast infections are typically treated with oral or vaginal anti-yeast medication. Bacterial vaginosis is treated with oral or vaginal antibiotics.
If you’re experiencing chronic vaginal infections, your doctor recommends lifestyle modifications to prevent a recurrence, such as changing your diet, taking vitamins, avoiding douches and antiseptic bath products, and abstaining from sexual activity until your infection is gone. Dr. Bhanot will also discuss traditional and non traditional methods to help you achieve and maintain your vaginal health.
Get the expert care you deserve today. Call one of the offices or request a consultation online with a member of the experienced women’s health team Preete Bhanot MD.