Annual Exam

Knowing what’s going on inside your body is nearly impossible without regular visits to your doctor. Dr. Bhanot offers annual well-woman exams to assess your health with physical exams and wellness lab testing.

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Birth Control Options

Birth control, also known as contraception, is any method used to prevent pregnancy. There are many different methods of birth control, for example: condoms, birth control pills, IUDs, Nuva Ring, the rhythm method, tubal ligation, and vasectomy. Understanding how each method works will help you decide the best method for you.

Dr. Bhanot will discuss the different options and help you decide what the best method for you might be.

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Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

Dr. Bhanot offers polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) diagnosis and management to help women get the treatment they need to lead their healthiest lives possible. Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a hormonal condition affecting as many as 26% of women of childbearing age. Dr. Bhanot offers effective care for PCOS, which is one of the leading causes of infertility. Call today or request a consultation online for PCOS diagnosis and treatment.

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Pelvic Pain

Pelvic pain is common. About 15% of women of childbearing age have experienced pelvic pain lasting at least six months. Living with pelvic pain or chronic pelvic pain disrupts the quality of life for patients. Dr. Bhanot, a board-certified gynecologist will not only try to diagnose the cause of your condition but will also nonsurgical and minimally invasive treatments, so you feel like yourself again.

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If your menstrual cramps are severe or are accompanied by nausea, excessive bleeding, or other symptoms, you might be among the 11% of women in the United States with endometriosis. At Comprehensive Women’s OB/GYN in Duluth and Dunwoody, Georgia, the team diagnoses endometriosis with or without symptoms and considers future pregnancies while planning your treatment. Call the office or use the online booking tool today to find relief from your endometriosis pain.

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If your periods are lasting longer than usual or you’ve noticed a heavier blood flow recently, fibroids might be the cause. Dr. Bhanot will be able to evaluate your symptom and evaluate if fibroids are the cause of your symptoms and offer you a plan for symptom relief. Dr. Bhanot believes in offering you a range of options for treatment of your symptoms that include a holistic natural approach to treatment as well as traditional western medications, procedures and surgery if necessary. Call today to make an appointment to consult on your symptoms and start your journey for relief your symptoms.

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Abnormal Uterine Bleeding

Abnormal uterine bleeding is hard to detect — enough so that up to 35% of women in the world may have it at any one time. Irregular menstrual bleeding can often not be a cause for concern, however it should be evaluated to rule out more serious conditions. It can also be a nuisance that can be easily addressed. Make an appointment to discuss any irregularities you may be having to your menstrual bleeding.

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Ovarian Cysts

What are ovarian cysts?
Ovarian cysts develop on the surface or inside of the ovary. Women typically have two ovaries. They each are the size of an almond, approximately, and house varies eggs which develop and then are released during the process of ovulation. Ovaries are an important part of the female reproductive system. If an ovarian cyst develops they are usually harmless and often go away on their own. They can be a sign or symptom of a condition that needs attention like endometriosis or polycystic ovarian syndrome. However, sometimes cysts can become cancerous. During a pelvic exam and/or ultrasound, Dr. Bhanot is likely to find out if you have ovarian cysts.

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Novasure Ablation

NovaSure is an endometrial ablation (EA) procedure that can reduce or stop menstrual bleeding. It works by permanently removing the endometrium, or the lining of the uterus (the part that causes the bleeding), with a quick delivery of radio frequency energy.

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What is an intrauterine device (IUD)?
The IUD is a T-shaped device made from plastic that’s designed to sit inside the uterus. It’s about the size of a quarter overall and can prevent pregnancy for several years. An IUD is easily removed, however, when you’re ready to have a child. There are two types available, one that is wrapped with a small amount of copper, and others that are coated with a hormone that’s released daily and prevents conception.

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Abnormal Pap Smear Management

What does an abnormal Pap smear indicate?
A Pap smear is a cervical cancer screening tool. The frequency with which it is done is determined by your previous pap smear results and/or your individual health risks. The pap smear looks for abnormal changes in the cells from your cervix and your HPV status.

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Sexually Transmitted Infection

How are STI’s spread?
Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) are generally spread through sexual contact. STIs are also called sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Many STDs have few or no symptoms. You or your partner may not realize you’re infected until your STD is more advanced, which is why regular testing at Preete Bhanot MD is essential. Understanding, coping with, and preventing infections from STDs are important practices when you’re sexually active.

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Vaginal Infections

Is my vaginal discharge normal?
Normal discharge is typically clear or white. Although a certain amount of vaginal odor is to be expected, discharge shouldn’t have a strong odor.
On the other hand, when discharge is abnormal, it may have a different:
• Color
• Amount
• Consistency
• Odor

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Dr. Bhanot, MD FACOG, provides a variety of menopause services for women in Morgan Hill, San Martin, Gilroy, Holliser, San Jose, Los Gatos, Milpitas and surrounding areas. Each woman's experience with menopause is different, so Dr. Bhanot offers personalized menopause services for each patient she sees. Dr. Bhanot meets the complex needs of women going through menopause and strives to provide the best for her OBGYN patients.

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Infertility means not being able to become pregnant after a year of trying. If a woman can get pregnant but keeps having miscarriages or stillbirths, that's also called infertility. Infertility is fairly common. After one year of having unprotected sex, about 15 percent of couples are unable to get pregnant.

Female factors cause about one-third of fertility issues, male infertility accounts for another third, and the remainder are due to unknown causes or a combination of both male and female issues.

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Pregnancy is a joyous, exciting time. Whether this is your first pregnancy or you’re an experienced mother, Dr. Bhanot and her team provides general obstetric care for your pregnancy. Dr. Bhanot provides compassionate and personalized prenatal care. She utilizes evidence based treatment algorithms and partners with specialized services to ensure that your family is getting the best care. Dr. Bhanot provides a plethora of information to her prenatal families and her team are easily accessible by phone and text for questions as they arise. Dr. Bhanot delivers at three hospitals in the Bay Area: VMC @ SLRH in Gilroy, Good Samaritan Hospital in San Jose, and El Camino Hospital in Los Gatos. Call us to make an appointment or request a prenatal consultation online.

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